
This is the carrd for Harvest Moon, the Oneus/Onewe prompt fest.
For information not listed on this card, feel free to contact the mods through email, CuriousCat or twitter.


July 9th 2020 - Prompting starts
July 16th 2020 - Prompting ends
July 19th 2020 - Prompt claiming begins
July 26th 2020 - Prompt claiming ends
September 1st 2020 - Check-In
September 22nd 2020- Works due
September 27nd 2020 - Work reveals
September 29th 2020 - Art posting


1. This is a general ONEUS and ONEWE fest, so your works are only required to follow the ideas suggested by your prompter. There is no endgame pairing or preset genre or AU.

2. This fest is open to both fanfiction writers and fanartists.

3. The minimum word requirement for fic is 500 words. It should be able to stand on its own, not be an excerpt from a longer fic or a work in progress.

4. Art should be at least 540x500px, with a minimum width of 540px and
should be a finished and polished work.

5. Please do not discuss ideas for your assignment in public (Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and other sites of the like).

6. We will be following Korean Standard Time (KST) for this fest, and most official announcements and deadlines will be at either noon KST or midnight KST.

7. Stick to deadlines! If you find yourself unable to meet a deadline, please contact the mods on twitter or through email when you realise you cannot meet a deadline.

8. There will be zero tolerance towards hate against any minority group (racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc). Failure to comply with this rule will be enforced with an immediate ban on any future participation.

9. Please be respectful! Kink-shaming, ship-hating or any other negativity will not be tolerated.

10. If you're underage, please do not sign up to create for mature or explicit prompts.

11. When prompting, be sure to avoid leaving prompts that include themes of rape/non-consensual conduct.

12. When writing, stick to your prompts! Some deviation and artistic license is unavoidable and even encouraged, but keep in mind what the prompter wanted in the first place and make sure you hit the main points and avoid what the prompter didn't want.

13. Remember to post your fics to the collection on time! Try and finalise your fics 12 hours before so there's no mad rush to upload them when the deadline looms.


Please make sure to read the submission guide carefully and thoroughly before you post your work.